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Q6:  I am not able to login to your site even though I have entered the correct ID and password. Why is this so and what should I do?

In order to identify each user to the site, we send a cookie to each user's browser when a user logs in. If you disable cookies in your browser, after you go through the login process, our site is not able to identify you, and it appears that you have never logged in. Please take a look at our Privacy Policy if you need to know more about cookies and the way we use cookies.

If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, here is what you should do:

  1. Click on "Tools" on the top of your browser and choose "Internet Options".
  2. Click on the "Privacy" tab.
  3. Choose "Medium" as the privacy setting for the Internet zone.
  4. Click "Ok".

If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, here is what you should do:

  1. Click on "Tools" on the top of your browser and choose "Internet Options".
  2. Click on the "Security" tab.
  3. Click on the "Internet" icon in the box under "Select a Web content zone to specify its security settings."
  4. You have the option of choosing a "Default Level" or a "Custom Level".
  5. If you click on the "Default Level" button, make sure you choose "Medium" as the security level for this zone.
  6. If you click on the "Custom Level" button, under "Cookies", make sure you choose either "Enable" or "Prompt" under "Allow per-session cookies (not stored)". You will be warned before your browser accepts a cookie if you choose "Prompt".
  7. Click "Ok".

If you are using Netscape version 6, here is what you should do:

  1. Click on "Edit" on the top of your browser and choose "Preferences".
  2. Double Click on "Privacy and Security" under "Category".
  3. Click on "Cookies".
  4. Make sure you choose either "Enable all cookies" or "Enable cookies for the originating web site only.
  5. If you wish to be warned before accepting cookies, check the box next to "Warn me before storing a cookie".
  6. Click "Ok".

If you are using Netscape Communicator/Navigator, here is what you should do:

  1. Click on "Edit" on the top of your browser and choose "Preferences".
  2. Double click on "Advanced" under "Category".
  3. Make sure you choose either "Accept all cookies" or "Accept only cookies that get sent back to the originating server" under the "Cookies" section.
  4. If you wish to be warned before accepting cookies, check the box next to "Warn me before accepting a cookie".
  5. Click "Ok".